Adonko Bitters Ltd, Kumasi Ghana, manufacturers of Adonko Bitters and the brand’s sole marketer in Nigeria, Ekulo International Ltd, have announced the return of  the Bitters to the Nigerian market.

They disclosed that the commodity is now fully back to shelves across Nigeria following the resumption of importation of the product into the country from Ghana.

The brand became scarce in the market as a result of some national issues beyond the control of Adonko.

Ekulo’s Media Adviser, Ingram Osigwe who announced Adonko’s return in a statement in Lagos explained that the brand remains market leader and Bitters of choice for Nigerians hence its current hot demand in the country.

Mr Osigwe disclosed that Adonko has once again saturated shelves across Nigeria.

“We are happy to announce the return of Nigeria’s number 1 Bitters, Adonko. Adonko is back and will never again be absent on shelves across Nigeria. Nigerians who look forward to enjoying their darling Adonko during this Yuletide season can now do so”

According to Osigwe, Ekulo International Ltd and the Ghanaian producers of the product are aware of how dear Adonko is to Nigerian consumers due to its high quality.

Ekulo and Adonko Bitters Ltd Kumasi Ghana know that Nigerians love the drink. Just two years after its entry into the Nigerian market, Adonko has remained the Bitters of choice for consumers, it has also remained the market leader.

Adonko is a classy and quality Bitters, we are not therefore, surprised that Nigerians are yearned for it. Ekulo and Adonko Bitters Ltd Ghana are glad to declare that Nigerians will not go into the yuletide season without their darling Adonko as Adonko has returned to spice up their lives and taste”, Ingram stressed.

Meanwhile, the Head of International Market for Adonko Bitters Limited, Vincent Opare celebrates all consumers and trade partners who are yet to experience the wonder bitters of choice assuring that the quality of their Adonko bitters shall remain same all the time.

He also revealed that Adonko Bitters Limited will soon introduce two new variants namely Adonko 123 bitters and Adonko Tigernut ginger into the Nigeria market.

Opare said Adonko will be available for consumers this Christmas and coming new year to celebrate their loyalty.

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